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제목[AIOT] ASUS Tinker Board 2/2S Debian 10 V2.0.12 릴리즈2022-09-14 14:14
작성자 Level 10

[AIOT] ASUS Tinker Board 2/2S Debian 10 V2.0.12 릴리즈 

Tinker Board 2 / 2S 데비안 10 업데이트 롬이 공식 홈페이지에 업로드 되었습니다. 

출처 : https://tinker-board.asus.com/download-list.html?product=tinker-board-2s

Tinker Board 2 Debian 10 V2.0.12
Tinker Board 2 Debian 10 V2.0.12

Tinker OS default username is "linaro", password is "linaro".

Release Notes:
* Changelog
1. Wireless: support AW-XB547NF(RTL8852BE) Wi-Fi 6 module
2. Type-C: DP: Improved display compatibility
3. HDMI: Improved display compatibility
4. Ethernet: Fix LED incorrect when device is suspended
5. Camera: Support IMX477 camera module
6. USB: Enable USB printer support in kernel config
7. USB: Serial: CH341: Update driver from upstream
8. Audio: Support RASPIAUDIO ULTRA++ sound card (WM8960-Audio-HAT)
9. Audio: Support JustBoom DAC HAT/Digi HAT/Amp HAT
10. Audio: Support IQaudIO Pi-DAC+/Pi-DAC Pro/Pi-Digi+
11. Audio: Support HiFiBerry DAC+ Light/Digi+
12. Kernel: defconfig: Enable CONFIG_NFSD
13. Kernel: defconfig: Enable the 1-wire kernel config for DS18B2
14. Overlay: Add the pin5 GPIO2_B2 w1-gpio overlays for DS18B20 function

* Support next PCB R1.03 & R1.02
1. Type-C: USB: Support RT1715 CC Controller (R1.03)
2. Ethernet: Improve RTL8211E performance (R1.03)

Open-Source Code:

40b9713efb193a8cb153999e0b0a525dedcbc62d6edc8e7373f5ad55cd357364 (zip)

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