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제목[AIOT] ASUS Tinker Board 2 / 2S Debian 11 (kernel 5.10) V3.0.16 업데이트2024-04-25 09:34
작성자 Level 10

[AIOT] ASUS Tinker Board 2 / 2S Debian 11 (kernel 5.10) V3.0.16 업데이트  

Tinker Board 2 /2S Debian 11 (kernel 5.10) V3.0.16
Tinker OS default username is "linaro", password is "linaro".

Release Notes:
* Change log

1. BSP: migrate Rockchip SDK version to rk3399_linux5.10_release_v1.4.0_20231220
2. Upgrade kernel from 5.10.160 to 5.10.198
3. Upgrade Debian to 11.8
4. defconfig: enable netfilter connection related configs
6. net: fix ufw and iptables not working
7. audio: fix hdmi sound issue
8. uboot: fix boot failed if fiq_debugger set to disabled
9. splash: add splash partition for boot logo
10. bluetooth: btusb: support to RTL8852BE, RTL8852CE.
11. bluetooth: rtk_bt: upgrade to 20230413_LINUX_BT_DRIVER_RTL8852C_COEX_v0707
12. camera: ignore set clk in ov5647
13. camera: update rk-camera-module.h sync to v1.4.0_20231220
14. camera: Fixed issue and update librkisp.so
15. rkximagesink: fix cropping for video with non-square aspect ratio
16. kmssink: fix cropping for video with non-square aspect ratio

Open-Source Code: https://github.com/TinkerBoard/rockchip-linux-manifest

SHA256: 12258655cd17997913eb757176abaa36d2f00dc34c77ae498e0a41a14cff3d00 (zip)

보다 자세한 상담을 원하실 경우 서버비즈특판팀으로 전화 및 메일 문의 부탁드립니다.
대표전화 : 02) 707-0120 내선 : 8891 (토/일요일 및 공휴일 휴무) | 전자우편 : yj_seo@stcom.co.kr
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